Ideal Protein Update
I wanted to give you an update on how well the Ideal Protein plan is working. Currently we have 15 patients on the plan and collectively they have lost over 450 pounds of weight. This is weight that they did not want to carry. Many of these patients are off some of their medications that they were on with the assistance of their medical doctors. We always have patients speak with their medical doctors concerning their medications. We have some people who actually completed the plan They have hit their goal and are now on the maintenance program. While I am thrilled at how much weight they have taken off what is more important to me is how well this program works to keep it off. The average statistic is that after a 12 month time period of doing the Ideal Protein program patients will only gain back 2-3 pounds. THAT IS CORRECT. If they lose 40 pounds, a year later they may have netted only losing 38 pounds and I know no-one will be upset with that. We have several seminars on the Ideal Protein program every single month. If you or someone that you know are interested in losing weight, reducing some of the medications they are on, or just want to be healthier with their blood pressure or diabetes please call Amber to register for the next class. We look forward to seeing you there.
The main reason why it is easy to keep weight off is the maintained plan. Ideal protein has developed a remarkable wellness plan. It give the ability to choose your food daily. There is a wellness option that includes ideal protein foods. There is also an option for those who wish to cook their on meals. Either way the results are amazing. Having the choice is ideal for all patients.
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