Reducing Stress workshop



Did you know that up to 90% of health issues are stress-related?

Don’t miss this exclusive Health and Wealth Workshop on January 21st, where we’ll look at ways to conquer the two most common stress factors in America: having a Lack of Time and being Low on Funds.


Featured Speakers Dr. James Maggio and Timothy Fitzwilliams will cover the following topics:

  • How to Double Your Free Time
  • How to Incorporate the “High-Five Planner System”
  • How to Handle High-Stress Situations Gracefully
  • Getting Organized on a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Basis
  • How a Healthy Budget Leads to a Healthy Mind and Less Stress
  • Budget Techniques that Can Help Regardless of Income Level
  • How to Get More Cash Flow Per Month by Tweaking Your W-4 Form

Location:  ProAdjuster Chiropractic Clinic
525 S. Independence Blvd. #190, Virginia Beach
Time: Monday January 21st, 6pm-7pm

There is no charge for the seminar, and hors d’oeuvres will be served.

The seminar is limited to the first 25 registrants. Call (757) 473-9900 to reserve your place!


Post seminar

The class was extremely successful. Attendees stated that they really appreciated the time that the speakers put into the program.


Some of the topics that the attendees enjoyed the most were:


How to increase and enjoy Your Free Time
How to utizile the “High-Five Planner System”.  This system works great for busy people.
How to Handle High-Stress Situations Gracefully and with ease.  Appreciating and dealing with stress was discussed.
Getting Organized on a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Basis.  This was also great to see people enjoy.
How a Healthy Budget Leads to a Healthy Mind.  Not worring about money is a great way to alleviate stress.
Budget Techniques that Can Help Regardless of Income Level. This was also very informative and fun.
How to Get More Cash Flow Per Month by Tweaking Your W-4 Form



Photo credit: via photopin