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diabetic neuropathyWhat is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Those who have diabetes may suffer from diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage. High blood sugar can damage the nerves. Depending on the nerves damaged, symptoms may vary. Some people may have mild symptoms. For others it can be quite painful or disabling. The nerves in the legs and feet are most affected by diabetic neuropathy. There are four main types of diabetic neuropathy: peripheral, autonomic, proximal, and focal.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy is the most common. It affects the feet and legs first. It can also affect the hands and arms. Symptoms may be worse at night. Those who have this may have numbness or reduced ability to feel pain. They may also experience tingling or burning sensations. Other symptoms include muscle weakness, or loss of reflexes. Balance and coordination may become an issue as well. 

Autonomic Neuropathy

The second most common diabetic neuropathy is autonomic neuropathy. The autonomic nervous system runs many organs and muscles in the body. These include your digestive system, sweat glands, bladder and cardiovascular system. Damaged nerves to these area can cause a variety or problems. It can cause diarrhea, constipation, incontinence, dizziness, shortness of breath and profuse sweating. 

Proximal Neuropathy

This type of neuropathy is seen in patients over fifty. It is seen in those with fairly controlled type two diabetes. This often affects the hips, buttocks or thighs. Those who have this may suffer from sudden, severe pain. Muscle weakness may make it difficult to stand. This neuropathy usually only affects one side of the body. 

Focal Neuropathy

This diabetic neuropathy occurs when there is damage to one specific nerve. This causes weakness in the affected area. It occurs most often in the hand, head, torso or leg. The most common is carpal tunnel syndrome. About 25% of people with diabetes have some degree of nerve compression at the wrist. 


There is no cure for diabetic neuropathy. It is possible to slow its progression with the right treatment. Keeping blood sugar levels in a healthy range is the best way to decrease the likelihood of developing neuropathy. It can also slow its progression or relieve some symptoms. Some treatments such as chiropractic care, cold laser treatment or mini phasor treatment can alleviate symptoms. 

Pulstar ProAdjuster

Chiropractic care helps treat diabetic neuropathy by addressing the root of the symptoms most patients’ experience. The Pulstar ProAdjuster is a computerized chiropractic tool. It checks the spinal nerves for impingement. Nerve impingement can lead to neuropathy symptoms. The Pulstar ProAdjuster allows the doctor to treat without any popping, cracking, turning or twisting. 

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment. During this procedure, different wavelengths and outputs of low level light are applied directly to the affected area. The body tissue absorbs the light. The near infrared light causes a reaction to the damaged cells. This helps to promote regeneration. 

Mini Phasor Treatment

The Mini Phasor uses deep muscle stimulation in phase with light therapy. Mechanical and light stimulation of sensors in the muscle to help create muscle relaxation. It helps creates muscle flushing of the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins. Stimulation is coupled with supplementation of elemental electrolytes. This ensures adequate levels for the proper operation of the calcium pump. 

ProAdjsuter Chiropractic Clinic

In our office, we offer all of these treatments for those who suffer from diabetic neuropathy. A combination of these treatments/ therapies may be used to get the best result.If you or someone you know suffers from diabetic neuropathy, give us a call at (757) 473-9900 (option 1).

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