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Inflammation Causing Foods
Inflammation causing foods are foods that we should consume cautiously. Inflammation is part of the healing process that occurs in our body. But, sometimes inflammation can cause a lot of pain and more damage than necessary to our body.
Ten foods to eat and avoid to reduce inflammation
Inflammation is a natural part of the healing process in our bodies. Most of the time inflammation is good, but sometimes it can cause more harm. Rheumatoid arthritis is a good example of when inflammation does more harm than good in our bodies. To help reduce the harmful effects of inflammation it’s important to eat the correct foods.
Here are a few foods that increase inflammation that you may want to avoid. First high amounts of refined carbs and sugars. Just by reducing the amount of candies, soda, and baked goods you take in can reduce the amount of pain you feel from arthritis. Fried and processed foods also increase inflammation. Fired foods and fast foods can be easy to grab and go but they also increase inflammation. By making your own dinners and not eating out is an easy way you can help reduce inflammation.
The best foods to eat that naturally reduce inflammation are green veggies, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and collard greens. Greens not only reduce inflammation, they reduce obesity, and heart disease. Healthy fats found in nuts, like almonds and walnuts are high in antioxidants, which can help your body fight off and repair the damage caused by inflammation. Consuming most of your grains as whole grains, as opposed to refined, white bread, cereal, rice, and pasta can help keep harmful inflammation at bay. That’s because whole grains have more fiber. To be sure you’re getting the benefits, look for foods with a whole grain as the first ingredient, and no added sugars. I’ve saved the best for last. Garlic! In many studies garlic has been shown to work the same as NSAID’s, like ibuprofen.
So avoid fried or fast foods, instead make most of your meals at home. Try to include greens, nuts and don’t forget garlic. Reduce the amount of candies and sweets you eat as well. I hope this helps. Hope this helps. Have a great day.
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Some foods can help reduce inflammation in our bodies while other food can cause more inflammation.
Fresh Vegetables
U.S. grant supports Va. farm-to-school programs
As reported last week fresh vegetables are coming our way. The plan is to increase schools ability to get their produce directly from the farm. It will increase the flow of local produce to two school systems in southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee. Pulaski County’s public schools will receive a $43,415 grant to develop a farm-to-school initiative. This could be a major positive step in the right direction to have more fresh Vegetables and foods in the school system. For many children their meals at school can be the only food they consumed that particular day. Obviously the fresher the better. It is estimated that most school lunches do not have fresh vegetables. All research demonstrates that children do prefer fresh over frozen and canned. This can be tremendous news for the schools involved. Better nutrition does lead to better grades. When children consume meals high in sugar and low in vegetables it can create negative effects on their digestion and blood surgar levels. Fluctuating blood sugar levels can lead to major hormonal changes in the body which can lead to other challenges. These challenges can be fatigue, decreased mental capacity, and even alter mood and sleep patterns. None of these symptoms are good for anyone, especially school age children. Could this assist the teachers and school staff in helping children learn, well possibly as the concept does make sense.
Behavioral deficits could also improve. Poor nutrition does lead to unruly behavior, fidgeting, and attention issues. If fresh foods could make an improvement in that area, well who wouldn’t be thrilled. Hopefully increasing fresh foods into mainstream schools will increase and the benefits seen can be extremely positive.
this program can also boost the local economy with the farmers getting a boost in their income. Let’s hope this program accomplishes its goals for the better.
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What is the paleolithic diet?
Every year there is a new diet, exercise program, or magic pill or drink designed to make you lean and trim. Some of these programs are very efficient long term, while some are only efficient short term. How do you choose which diet will work for you (whether is paleolithic diet, nutrisystem or others) depends on your goals. Sometimes a person wants a quick weight drop. Maybe losing 10pounds before a wedding, a cruise or vacation is their goal. If that is their goal there are many programs available to do just that. Losing 10 pounds temporarily is a very easy task in today’s world. There a ton of fab programs available for that. Well what about those who want to lose weight permanently? There are many overweight people who want help but just do not know how to do it. The paleolithic diet can be helpful long term. For health purposes weight loss must be achieved and maintained long term. When utilizing this method common sense always rules. Like the paleolithic diet protein, fruits and vegetables should dominate your foods. If you follow some simple meal plans you will win. First of all you meals should all contain protein. Remember protein comes in good forms (lean poultry, fish and lean beef) and bad proteins (bacon and fried proteins). Vegetables should dominate your dailyintake of foods. The more water based vegetables the better. Water based vegetables include all lettuces, peppers mushrooms, onions, and celery. Other vegetables can be consumed but in limited amounts per day due to their sugar content and possibility of upsetting the glycemic index. This is your body’s reaction to food. If your intake of food causes a negative reaction to food, you will gain weight. Notice that pantry foods are not on this list. If is is not a lean protein, fruit or vegetable, run for cover. For more information feel free to contct us. http://natmonitor.com/2014/12/19/new-research-says-cavemen-did-not-follow-a-paleolithic-diet/