

Arthritis is a debilitating issue that causes back pain and neck stiffness. Help is available for many people with chiropractic care and stretching.


Arthritis can be a very complicated disease. There are many causes of it.   It can develop into multiple symptoms. People who suffer with arthritis can have pain, weakness, and numbness. The pain can worsen with activity or inactivity. Flare ups can occur around weather changes and stressful situations. Most people will develop some A. as they get older. It can be caused by wear and tear of specific injuries. Most injuries are not completely treated. When injuries are not completely treated the surrounding joints will weaken, if a surrounding joint weakens the body will adapt.


Adaptation can delude thinning of cartilage and bone spurs to attempt to stabilize the joint. The body will continue to heal the joint and the end result will be djd. The concept behind this is that if that part of the body is injured and not functioning correctly the body will try to mobilize it. Mobilizing it or self-casting is what it actually is. Arthritis is the body’s way of immobilizing the joint. For many people relief from arthritis is possible. Movement is djd enemy, the more you move a weakened joint the less arthritis will grow. Motion of the joint can include many things exercising and stretching is great for stiffness, yoga, massage, chiropractic care can also be very beneficial for djd.  Hopefully this blog will help you understand this issue.


When dealing with it, you should look into a whole multitude of treatment options to assist you with the pain and discomfort. Medications may be necessary but are not the only option in helping it. Remember motion of the injured joint is the most beneficial thing you can do for your djd pain.


